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How important will virtual reality and augmented reality be in the metaverse?

article by Amit caesar

If you've been following and listening to the conversation about Facebook's transition to META and seeing how they've shown their technology, you've noticed that all the messaging has included AR/VR headsets.

How can one play this trend if you believe we will all play in the metaverse with avatars in the future? Will it be through the use of headsets? Will it have a realistic appearance and feel? Instead of zoom calls, will we meet in groups in the metaverse? It's still too early to tell how everything will turn out. But one company, The Glimpse Group, is capitalizing on the trend by developing hardware, software, and ecosystem assets that are bringing all of this closer to fruition.

Facebook (now named Meta) has quietly gone on a buying spree in this are recently purchasing Within, Bigbox VR and Downpour Interactive.

"Investing in and building products that consumers want is the key to success," the company said on the record in a statement to Recode describing the strategy. We won't be able to build the metaverse without the help of developers, creators, and experts. We know we will face stiff competition from companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Snap, Sony, Roblox, Epic, and many others as we invest in the metaverse.

" The real question here appears to be moot: will Meta dominate the Metaverse with smaller, bolt-on acquisitions that will eventually help them overpower other competitors, as it did with its social network? Facebook, Meta, or whatever they decide to call themselves in the future, appears to have enough power and resources to almost guarantee that they will dominate the Metaverse.

Smaller players are wary

In what ways will the Metaverse evolve and exist in the future? Will it be more like a giant zoom call with Avatars, or will we be stuck wearing VR goggles all day? Mark Zuckerberg appears to have a clear vision in his head that may or may not come true. However, it is clear that Meta will invest BILLIONS of dollars to ensure that its vision is the one that succeeds in the end.

Right now, VR headsets will be the way to step into the Meta-vision universe and whether this is the way it proceeds forever is a question mark. How many other players in the space may Meta swallow in the future?

What other ways could we enter another dimension without relying on a headset that may or may not be worn all day, every day, to enter this brave new world? Could we see, hear, smell, and taste the Metaverse through 3D or 4D computer screens? Anything is possible, but for the time being, Mark's vision of the future is mostly in his head. One of the current ideas circulating on Wall Street is for users to purchase clothing and accessories for their avatars in the Metaverse, similar to how children can purchase virtual goods in games today. This may be one way Meta plans to make money in the future. In the Metaverse, you're selling virtual goods to us!

The future appears to be dazzling for VR companies. Hopefully, these companies will have options other than being absorbed by Meta or remaining anonymous. If there is any good news to be found in all of this, it is that innovation will undoubtedly play a significant role in the Metaverse's development. Many products emerged from space exploration innovation, much like our space programs did in the second half of the 1990s. The Metaverse may not be our universe's next expansion, but it will undoubtedly spark a lot of creativity.

You should also check out the following articles:

  1. What is the metaverse? and how does it work?
  2. A meta market opportunity: The metaverse could soon be worth $1 trillion
  3. Facebook wants to build a metaverse. Microsoft is creating something even more ambitious.
  4. How to succeed in the virtual reality world of tomorrow?
  5. Books you must read about virtual reality
  6. Best New Augmented Reality Books To Read In 2021
  7. US$ 4.7 Billion- The global augmented reality gaming market
  8. The smart glasses revolution is about to get real
  9. Consumer Brands Reinventing Marketing in the Metaverse
  10. Imagine Making Money in Rec Room

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