Fracked, a PS VR FPS adventure, is coming this summer.
Fracked, a PS VR FPS adventure, is coming this summer.
3 דקות קריאה
We're ecstatic to finally be able to share an extended gameplay reveal for Fracked, our upcoming action adventure game. Take out your PlayStation Move controllers and watch the following trailer: We wanted to show off what Fracked does best in this reveal: seamless, fast-paced action adventure gameplay that can be enjoyed on foot, as well as while skiing and climbing. Fracked gives you an interactive arsenal and special weapons, allowing you to put yourself in the shoes of a superhero. Allow me to take you through some of the game's finer details, as seen in the trailer!
Freedom of Movement
Interactive and Special Weapons
Become a Hero
The Sky is the Limit
You're stuck on a flat plane of existence in a lot of video game experiences (even in VR)... In 3D space, they're frequently stationary with little lateral movement. With Fracked, we wanted to provide something more, a game that showcased the virtual environment's verticality. They created the levels and world with this in mind, placing you during imposing mountains, steep ski slopes, bottomless mine shafts, and industrial behemoths made of corrugated steel. You'll be running, climbing, and ziplining your way through each level on foot, all in one seamless, action-packed experience. We want to take virtual reality to new heights... Please excuse the pun.
We’re all Fracked
The section you just saw is only a small part of the entire game. Everything you'll see on your Fracked mission can be visited, with your adventure taking place on (and below) a unique mountain in the Alaskan wilderness. We've given you a taste of what's to come in this extended gameplay trailer, including a quick look at the Blaster, a hulking brute you wouldn't want to meet down a dark alley. We can't wait to show you more of Fracked and to see you play this PS VR exclusive this summer! Please let us know what you're most excited for in the comments section.