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Pico Interactive Releases Neo 3 Pro and Neo 3 Pro Eye standalone VR headsets

Pico Interactive, one of the world's leading developers of innovative VR (virtual reality) solutions for enterprise use, announced the full commercial release of their two highly anticipated new standalone VR headsets: Pico Neo 3 Pro and Pico Neo 3 Pro Eye.Based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 platform, both models offer world class computing power in the VR industry for autonomous VR headsets, enabling a new generation of VR applications. 

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Refined performance and outstanding connectivity options to future proof investment in enterprise equipment

To ensure a perfect VR experience from day one, Pico has worked with hundreds of developers, programmers and customers. Their feedback has been incorporated into the fine-tuning of the VR headsets. "The positive feedback and signals from the Pico community have far exceeded our expectations," explains Leland Hedges, General Manager of Pico Interactive in Europe. "Two aspects have been highlighted by the developers: First, the excellent connectivity via Wi-Fi 6 and NVIDIA Cloud XR for wireless PC-based VR streaming and NVIDIA Direct Mode to render PC VR content to the Pico Neo 3 Pro via a Display Port cable, enterprises can integrate PC VR into their workflows to drive design reviews, virtual production, location-based entertainment and more. Secondly, the easy migration of existing applications for previous Pico VR headsets and other VR platforms to the new Pico Neo 3 Pro models. This has resulted in 30 application ready day one and over 100 applications ready by the end of October for use by the end-users of our devices.”

Superior processing power for demanding VR scenarios

"In 2022, RiVR will launch an exciting new generation of immersive training experience developed in collaboration with seven of the world's leading experts in crime scene investigation, accreditation, acting officers and leading professors. Crime Scene Investigation - Sandbox Solution," said Paul Mallinson, Business Development Manager at RiVR. "The Pico Neo 3 Pro is the first standalone VR headset with enough processing power to recreate a full photorealistic crime scene environment. This provides the ability to explore a crime scene and perform the process of a crime scene investigation in a detailed, realistic scenario. Our developers were also impressed by how quickly the application, originally developed for Oculus Quest, could be migrated to the Pico Neo 3 Pro platform."The two new Neo 3 Pro headsets are aimed at companies looking for a 6 DoF (Degrees of Freedom) solution with high resolution, balanced weight distribution and flexible architecture. The Pico Neo 3 Pro is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 chipset with WiFi 6. The headsets also feature a 5.5" SFR TFT display with a resolution of 3,664 x 1,920 pixels, 773 PPI and a refresh rate of up to 90 Hz. Since hygiene safety is paramount, the replaceable, sterilizable 3D PU face pad with anti-fouling coating is easy to clean.


The controllers on the Neo 3 models have also been redesigned for comfort and to mirror the most popular layout of buttons to help ease the transition from other VR HMD. The two 6 DoF motion controllers support even more stable tracking. Since the Neo 3 headsets have four cameras instead of two, the guardian system has also been improved over the last generation. The Advanced Guardian system enables shared mapping functionality to make it easier for developers to design applications with multiple users wearing Pico HMD in the same room.

Eye tracking for deeper customer understanding

Pico is once again partnering with Tobii - the world leader in eye tracking - to make the Neo 3 Pro Eye headset a trailblazer in enterprise virtual reality. The Neo 3 Pro Eye with integrated Tobii eye tracking helps companies gain a deeper understanding of their customers, increase training efficiency, improve productivity, and accelerate innovation in many areas. The headset enhances the immersive experience for users through dynamic foveated rendering made possible by Tobii Spotlight Technology, which increases the framerate by up to 78% and saves battery life by 10%.  Pico Neo 3 Pro Eye is designed to be ready for Tobii Ocumen, Tobii’s premium eye tracking solution used by developers to enable more capabilities in advanced VR applications. "The integration of Tobii's eye tracking technology into Pico's second-generation device demonstrates that our technology is highly desirable in the market, and it truly leads to innovation in several fields, including healthcare, training and simulation, design, and many more," said Johan Hellqvist, head of XR at Tobii. "As the Pico Neo 3 Pro Eye becomes available, we look forward to collaborating with the ecosystem and continue incubating innovations in the XR industry."

The World’s Best Hand Tracking

When your application needs the highest performing hand tracking for complex interactions or challenging environments, you will be able to use Ultraleap’s hand tracking solution with the Pico Neo 3 Pro. By adding Ultraleap’s Stereo IR 170 camera module and utilizing Ultraleap’s Gemini software for XR2, users will experience enterprise class hand tracking. For use across location-based VR, procedural training and design and collaboration use cases. Contact Ultraleap for a preview of Gemini for evaluation purposes, ahead of full release. 

Pricing and availability

The Neo 3 Pro (600 EUR) and Neo 3 Pro Eye 750 EUR) can be purchased through Pico’s dedicated sales team worldwide. For more information on Pico headsets, visit https://www.pico-interactive.com/.

About Pico Interactive

Pico Interactive focuses on innovative VR and AR solutions that enable businesses to create and experience the best in VR and Interactive Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI). With operations in the United States, Europe, China and Japan, Pico Interactive focuses on creating amazing VR platforms for any application and is built around the principle of “user-first design.” 

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