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Video Games as Recommended by the Doctor

It can provide OVERVIEW AGAINST Treatment for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for the first time in an FDA-cleared action video game experience.

Digital therapeutics is an emerging branch of digital health technology that enables customers in several ways to take more control of their own health care. And while we have seen video games as a vice for youth, they are now entering the ranks of successful medical care.

Akili Interactive, a regular CES® speaker and founder of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) ®, has used video games to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
In a treatment that the U.S. cleared, The company's customized gaming experience, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), developed with algorithms designed to enhance cognitive functioning.

The Right Way Attract Attention
The Selective Stimulus Management Engine (SSME) proprietary technology, which targets the neural systems involved in attention control, such as concentration, disturbance processing and multitasking powers endeavor Rx from Akili Interactive.
In an increasingly dynamic world, SSME aims to help engage the brain to navigate multiple information sources. The algorithms used in Endeavor Rx allow it automatically change complexity to accommodate each patient's care needs.

The neural systems involved in impulsivity, memory, special navigation, goal management and more are the focus of other key technologies used in Akili's product, getting to the root of several problems facing children with ADHD.

When Medicine Is Fun and Healthy,
In order to cure attention deficits, physicians have traditionally prescribed behavioral medications. Endeavor Rx now offers an option for those that are unfamiliar with pharmacological therapies or for patients that encounter unpleasant side effects from drug-based treatments.

There is a psychological belief that the pharmaceutical industry must partner with and deliver this in order to be a legal drug.

In a research, the Endeavor Rx interface used for four weeks, 25 minutes a day, five days a week and found substantially increase the functioning of attention.

Digital Therapeutics' Future
Technologies such as the SSME of Akili may lay the foundations for moving digital therapeutics towards more mainstream use. Martucci claims that digital therapy is a response to medicine's high cost of treatment and accessibility.

In order to incorporate this into conventional health care medicine, there will be a great drive to educate the world about digital therapeutics," he said on the stage of CES 2020."

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