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Extended Reality: Top Five Things you need to know

Kritika Sharma

The lines between our world and the digital world are quickly being erased. So here are the top five things you need to know about Extended Reality (XR).1.What is Extended Reality (XR)?

Extended Reality often called XR is the ability to explore imaginary worlds as if you’re actually there and convincingly share parts of those worlds in real life. Put on a Virtual Reality (VR) Headset and the world disappears as you are transported to a completely new one. Or use Augmented Reality (AR) to bring characters and objects into the real world while the places you’ll visit and the things you’ll see are digital creations your mind is convinced that they in fact exist. This level of realism or “Immersion” enables us to experience things in a way that was never before possible.2. People learn better with XR 

For most people learning is challenging but XR is making it easier to learn faster, retain more knowledge, and gain deeper understandings. According to Harward Business review companies like DHL, US Navy and Boeing deliver step-by-step worker training with AR. Boeing uses it to help trainees complete their work 35% faster and decrease first-time errors by 90%. In fact, overall a time savings of 25% or more is typical for manufacturing tasks. Extended reality is even making trips to the doctor’s office less painful. AR overlays of a patient’s veins make it three times easier to draw blood on the first try. 

3. XR Connects people Together

Far from isolating people in their own little worlds, extended reality enables people to share the same experience, no matter where they are on the planet. People can attend concerts with thousands of their fellow fans or share experiences with their friends and colleagues as If they are in the same room. Xerox even uses augmented reality to connect field engineers with experts back in the office to increase their efficiency by 20% and their first-time fix rates by 67%. Leading to their customer satisfaction rates rising to 95%.4. XR tells the best stories 

Extended Reality enables people to experience stories, rather than just seeing them. Who hasn’t dreamed of stepping onto a holodeck and getting transported to a fantasy world? Or travelling to a far-off location? With extended reality, these stories cannot only be told but can also be experienced. Extended reality is converting incredibly complex data and ideas into stories that all people can understand and participate in dramatically improving outcomes. If showing is better than telling then doing is better than showing.5. XR is essential for your Business 

Many companies use extended reality to reduce costs create efficiencies, increases safety and intensifies focus. Retailers know that 40% of customers are willing to pay more for a product if they can experience it in AR. And 61% of shoppers prefer to shop at stores that offer AR. In fact, 71% of shoppers will shop at a retailer more often when it offers an extended reality experience. Online shoppers now use extended reality to download holograms of products from companies like Wayfair and IKEA and show them in their real homes. And some service companies are seeing returns of $20 on every dollar invested in extended reality. The smartphone that you use every day is ready for extended reality. Applications like Pokemon Go, Snapchat, IKEA, bring extended reality into the mainstream. And virtual reality systems from companies like HTC, Facebook, Microsoft, Sony, Google and Samsung make it possible to share these worlds and experiences in any situation. 

Thank you for reading! Keep learning! 

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