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Facebook’s First Full AR Glasses are code name ‘Project Nazare’

article by amit caesar

It's clear that Facebook is working on all-day AR headsets, and while the company has yet to show any hardware, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said today at Facebook Connect 2021 that the company is still working on its first "fully fledged augmented reality glasses," revealing the code name "Project Nazare."

"We're aiming for true augmented reality glasses here." "And we've been working on that as well," says Zuckerberg. "Today, I'd like to show you an experience that we've been working on for Project Nazare, the code name for our first full-fledged augmented reality glasses."

Zuckerberg narrates a typical scene where users message over What's app and organize a game night in a short simulated concept. Friends' avatars appear in the user's field of view, and the gaming begins.

There's still a long way to go to achieve the desired form factor for the hardware, according to Zuckerberg, who suggests that the glasses will be about 5mm thick, or just over 3/16 inch thick.

"It's going to take a lot of technical work to get this form factor and experience just right." In glasses that are about 5mm thick, we have to fit hologram displays, projectors, batteries, radios, custom silicon chips, cameras, speakers, sensors to map the world around you, and more. So with Nazare, we still have a long way to go, but we're making good progress."

Project Aria, the company's sensor-rich headset prototype that went into testing last year, was also used to show a series of assistant-related smart home experiences. Aria lacks any sort of augmented reality display, making it more of a stepping stone to the type of compact AR glasses the company appears to be aiming for. Project Nazare appears to be based on that research, though it's unclear where they are in the productization process.

"We're excited by the progress we've made and look forward to the road ahead," the company writes in a blog post. "Our first fully fledged AR glasses — Project Nazare — are still a few years out."


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