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Visit Museums and Galleries with Curators remotely in 2021

British studio Cooperative Technologies, known for its co-op party title Space team VR, has also been focusing on more educational social experiences. Curatours, a website where you can take live virtual tours of museums, galleries, and other cultural institutions, have unveiled today.

Curatours, which are partially sponsored by Innovate UK, will allow you to see artifacts and precious items up close. It will offer a variety of choices so that you can explore the interactive exhibits at your own speed or join a live tour so that you can ask questions about the guide. Pre-recorded 3D performances to watch, audio recordings to listen as well as text-based information will also presented.

Much like a museum or gallery, Curatours is a social forum where friends, family, classmates and other guests can talk and explore.

It was often a mutual and sociable pleasure to go to a museum or gallery. We have seen the rapid adoption of technology to help us remain connected because of COVID-19. For cultural institutions to remain accessible, engage their audiences and draw recent visitors, digital interactions have become crucial, said Emma Cooper, Project Lead at Cooperative Innovations.

To date, virtual tours can feel like a one-way experience of solitude. Cooper continues, Curatours is our solution to this, making the experience a social one that can share with anybody, anywhere in the world. "Our goal is to bring people together virtually in Cooperative Innovations, and we are developing the technology to achieve this after four years of R&D coupled with the Innovate UK grant."

Involved organizations will use Curatours Creator to create the content alongside the main consumer app. Artifact and environment scans, audio and video content will accepted; connect to online stores and help set up the schedules for the live tour. So far, Anne Frank House and National Trust for Scotland are engaged in the hunt for additional partners with Cooperative Technologies.

The Curatours app, scheduled to be released in early 2021, will be accessible via smartphones, tablets, PCs, web browsers and VR headsets. Keep reading for more updates,

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