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The NFT game is at the heart of the new digital economy and the metaverse's future.

In recent years, blockchain technology has seen a slew of new applications. Many people, however, believe that the best real-world applications for this technology are yet to come. Some believe the metaverse, the next believable iteration of the internet, will play a role in this. Any participant can enter the metaverse, a virtual world that connects various environments. This is in stark contrast to most people's belief that the metaverse is limited to virtual reality (VR), which is far from the case. In addition to virtual reality, the metaverse will feature interactive and realistic assets, the ability to teleport from one location to another, and the ability to use strategy and problem-solving in a digital setting.

In its most basic form, the vision is for people to interact with the metaverse via a 3D avatar that represents themselves, similar to the movie Ready, Player, One. However, metaverses are still in their infancy, and they may evolve as large tech companies such as Facebook (now Meta) and popular play-to-earn games experiment with bringing this concept to life.

Playermon is an example of a play-to-earn game that allows people to interact with the metaverse. The team wants to add value to an entire ecosystem while also earning revenue from third parties. In practice, this game style allows players to trade in-game winnings for real money as part of a more complex in-game economy. The game itself accomplishes this by providing SGEM tokens, which can be earned by completing quests.

The game's low entry costs, combined with the ability to earn real money, evolve characters, and engage in battle scenarios, position the game as one that players are likely to stick with for a long time.

Ji Sheng Tan, the CEO and co-founder of Playermon, says of their design,

“The play-to-earn model of gaming will bridge the gap between players looking to earn extra income and those interested in playing the game. While the social element of the gaming metaverse will bring joy to players, the model itself will disrupt the system of the gaming industry and create a new breakthrough where gamers can become crypto investors.”

Approaching the launch date

Players will be able to buy, hatch, and interact with their favorite Playermon in the form of a nonfungible token (NFT) in the game's metaverse when it launches in December 2021. This game is currently operating in the Social-Game Fi category, with more capabilities than a user might expect in a play-to-earn project, thanks to the use of NFTs. The metaverse is where the magic happens, allowing users to create a scholarship program by joining a yield guild. Users can earn money by playing the game or by exchanging in-game assets with other players in the Playermon ecosystem.

However, the game is only the beginning of what Playermon has planned. In the non-NFT gaming market, there are approximately 4 billion users, 200 million cryptocurrency users, but only 2 million play-to-earn gamers. These figures demonstrate the game's enormous potential for mainstream adoption of the digital currency.

The project team has many upcoming milestones in the next two months to conceptualize the metaverse, including the launchpad release on Nov. 18-19, an upcoming token generation event (TGE) on Nov. 22, and the first release of the game on Dec. 22. These events are aimed at encouraging user creativity and allowing players to build and visit the planets of other players. Users will be able to see firsthand what the next leading social, creative metaverse will look like as a result of these events.

Vested for success

The Playermon team of developers and other supporters have committed a significant amount of time and effort to making the game a success. The team tokens, gameplay tokens, and treasury tokens have all been vested for a ten-year period to ensure that the game will have enough tokens to pay for the effort and will outlast the allocation.

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